58 research outputs found

    Empirical Validation Of Requirement Error Abstraction And Classification: A Multidisciplinary Approach

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    Software quality and reliability is a primary concern for successful development organizations. Over the years, researchers have focused on monitoring and controlling quality throughout the software process by helping developers to detect as many faults as possible using different fault based techniques. This thesis analyzed the software quality problem from a different perspective by taking a step back from faults to abstract the fundamental causes of faults. The first step in this direction is developing a process of abstracting errors from faults throughout the software process. I have described the error abstraction process (EAP) and used it to develop error taxonomy for the requirement stage. This thesis presents the results of a study, which uses techniques based on an error abstraction process and investigates its application to requirement documents. The initial results show promise and provide some useful insights. These results are important for our further investigation


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    Carissa carandas is a useful food and medicinal plant of India, found to be widely distributed throughout subtropical and topical regions. The planthas been used as a traditional medicinal plant over thousands of years in the Ayurvedic, Unani, and Homoeopathic system of medicine. Traditionally,whole plant and its parts were used in the treatment of various ailments. The major bioactive constituents, which impart medicinal value to the herb,are alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and large amounts of cardiac glycosides, triterpenoids, phenolic compounds and tannins. Roots were reported tocontain volatile principles including 2-acetyl phenol, lignan, carinol, sesquiterpenes (carissone, carindone), lupeol, β-sitosterol, 16β-hydroxybetulinicacid, α-amyrin, β-sitosterol glycoside, and des-Nmethylnoracronycine, whereas leaves were reported to contain triterpenoid constitutes as wellas tannins. While, fruits have been reported to contain carisol, epimer of α-amyrin, linalool, β-caryophyllene, carissone, carissic acid, carindone,ursolic acid, carinol, ascorbic acid, lupeol, and β-sitosterol. Ethnopharmacological significance of the plant has been ascribed due to anti-cancer,anti-convulsant, anti-oxidant, analgesic, anti-inflammatoryAQ1, anti-ulcer, anthelmintic activity, cardiovascular, anti-nociceptive, anti-diabetic,antipyretic, hepatoprotective, neuropharmacological, and diuretic activities, antimicrobial activities and cytotoxic potentials, in-vitro anti-oxidant,and DNA damage inhibition, and constipation and diarrheal activities. The review also dealt with describing micropropagation strategies for effectiveconservation of this important food and medicinal plant. The review has been written with the aim to provide a direction for further clinical researchto promote safe and effective herbal treatments to cure a number of diseases

    Application of Pairs Trading Model to Exchange Traded Coffee Futures

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    In this paper, we use the trading model as described by Kanamura, Rachev, & Fabozzi (2010) based on the pairs trading strategies using the Stochastic Spread Method and apply that to the exchange traded coffee futures (Generic ‘KC’ commodity’). We also explain the first-time hitting density, (Linetsky 2004) for mean reverting process and apply this mathematical model to our data in order to find the results. In our empirical evidence, we test the real-time data obtained from Bloomberg in an Excel model based on co-integration approach to spread trading. We also show that the profits are consistent using the theoretical and empirical models andthat profits depend on the mean reversion and volatility of the spread during the period under consideration

    sk_p: a neural program corrector for MOOCs

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    We present a novel technique for automatic program correction in MOOCs, capable of fixing both syntactic and semantic errors without manual, problem specific correction strategies. Given an incorrect student program, it generates candidate programs from a distribution of likely corrections, and checks each candidate for correctness against a test suite. The key observation is that in MOOCs many programs share similar code fragments, and the seq2seq neural network model, used in the natural-language processing task of machine translation, can be modified and trained to recover these fragments. Experiment shows our scheme can correct 29% of all incorrect submissions and out-performs state of the art approach which requires manual, problem specific correction strategies

    Using Learning Styles of Software Professionals to Improve their Inspection Team Performance

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    Abstract-Inspections of software artifacts during early software development aids managers to detect early faults that may be hard to find and fix later. While inspections are effective, evidence suggests that inspection abilities of individuals vary widely which affect overall inspection effectiveness. Cognitive psychologists have used Learning Styles (LS) to measure an individual's characteristic strength and ability to acquire and process information. This concept of LS is being utilized in software engineering domain as a means to improve inspection performance. This paper presents the results from an industrial empirical study, wherein the LS's of individual inspectors were manipulated to measure its impact on the fault detection effectiveness of inspection teams. Using inspection data from nineteen professional developers, we developed virtual teams with varying LS's of individual inspectors and analyzed the team performance. The results from the current study show that, teams of inspectors with diverse LS's are significantly more effective at detecting faults as compared to teams of inspectors with similar LS's. Therefore, LS's can aid software managers to create high performance inspection team(s) and manage software quality

    Recurrent hydatiform mole: a rare case report

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    Molar pregnancy is characterized histologically by abnormalities of the chorionic villi that consist of trophoblastic proliferation and oedema of villous stroma. The incidence of hydatiform moles in India is 1 in 1000. The incidence of recurrence is 1 in 60 in a subsequent pregnancy and 1 in 65 in the third pregnancy after two molar pregnancies. The occurrence of hydatiform mole is related to a few risk factors such as smoking, increased paternal or maternal age, and previous history of abortions. Here we report a case of a 29 year old woman with history of four partial moles and two first trimester abortions and her management. The patient finally opted for adoption

    Why women choose to give birth at home: a situational analysis from urban slums of Delhi

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    Objectives: Increasing institutional births is an important strategy for attaining Millennium Development Goal -5. However, rapid growth of low income and migrant populations in urban settings in low-income and middle-income countries, including India, presents unique challenges for programmes to improve utilisation of institutional care. Better understanding of the factors influencing home or institutional birth among the urban poor is urgently needed to enhance programme impact. To measure the prevalence of home and institutional births in an urban slum population and identify factors influencing these events. Design: Cross-sectional survey using quantitative and qualitative methods. Setting: Urban poor settlements in Delhi, India. Participants: A house-to-house survey was conducted of all households in three slum clusters in north-east Delhi (n=32 034 individuals). Data on birthing place and sociodemographic characteristics were collected using structured questionnaires (n=6092 households). Detailed information on pregnancy and postnatal care was obtained from women who gave birth in the past 3 months (n=160). Focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were conducted with stakeholders from the community and healthcare facilities. Results: Of the 824 women who gave birth in the previous year, 53% (95% CI 49.7 to 56.6) had given birth at home. In adjusted analyses, multiparity, low literacy and migrant status were independently predictive of home births. Fear of hospitals (36%), comfort of home (20.7%) and lack of social support for child care (12.2%) emerged as the primary reasons for home births. Conclusions: Home births are frequent among the urban poor. This study highlights the urgent need for improvements in the quality and hospitality of client services and need for family support as the key modifiable factors affecting over two-thirds of this population. These findings should inform the design of strategies to promote institutional births

    Warning Signage on Cigarette Packaging and Buying Behaviour: Does It Really Matter?

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    The implementation of warning signage on cigarette packaging is widely practiced in various parts of the world, including developing markets.The purpose is todiscourage people from buying cigarette and smoking.Despite the effort to promotethe importance of health to the publics, the effectiveness of warning signage with negative messages on cigarette packaging remains largely inconclusive.Hence, the present study attempts to investigate the effect of religiosity, cultural orientation and peer influence on buying cigarette, and the moderation effect of warning signageon cigarette packaging in the Sarawakian context. Utilizing purposive sampling technique, self-administered questionnaire was administered. 156 usable copies were collected in a month time. Data were then analyzed using PROCESS macro in SPSS. The findings show that while peer influence has positive effect on buying behaviour, warning signage only moderates the relationship between cultural orientation and buying behaviour. As such it highlights the importance to cultivate healthy cultural values, and suggests the need to utilize warning signage on packaging in the appropriate manner so as to communicate the intended messages effectively. Implications and future studies are provided